Tuesday, July 12, 2016

 AND FINALLY-The black spiked collar the best of them all the you have all been waiting for it's worth: 50 or 40 den betas or 7 short collars (no orange or just good colors) also a tiki mask  or 2 neon bows also  3 party hats and a non rare headdress  and a black short-NOW get trading!!!!

 The red spiked collar a super good one but still not the best collar of them all! it's worth: A bad long collar (NO ORANGE) or around 25 den betas a founders Hat also like 2 short collars (NO ORANGE)

The purple spiked collar it's third best i love it mostly because i had one before it's worth: two bad long collars or a medium bad short and a blue one also a few den betas

The blue spiked collar its not a bad one or the worst but its also not the best it's wroth: A bad long collar or 2 also worth a black short and a bad one and a headdress 

 The yellow spiked collar it's an ok collar but still not a good one its worth: A Green and Raspberry Headdress around 10-5 den betas
The pink spiked collar its might be a bad one but not the worst it's worth: a green short collar and a blue short collar 1 wriskband or a few den betas

The green spiked collar it's not that bad but it almost is the worst it's worth: A pink and purple headdress and a good and a bad spike collar or a headdress and 2 wriskbands.

The orange spiked collar the worst of them all but its worth: A rare headdress a party hat or 2 party hats and a beta. Or a good and a bad spike collar and a few den detas